About The Author

About The Author

David Encinia

David Encinia has always been a dreamer. As a young boy, he would dream of greatness, much like others dreaming of hitting that home run, making the last basket, or catching that game-winning touchdown. The only thing that stopped him was his lack of athletic ability. However, that never hindered him in his dreams; in them, he was the greatest. In real life, he may not be the greatest, but then again, greatness can only be determined once time on this earth has expired. Let him explain.

After examining the greatest people in the Bible, David believes that it was not until they faced their most drastic challenge—the challenge of the heart—that they obtained their greatest victory. A victory that produced rest. For example, the apostle Paul, after his conversion of the heart, ran his race, finished well, and then rested. That was his greatest victory, a victory that produced rest. David faced his most drastic challenge, a quadriplegic bypass, ten years ago.